10 Easy Recipes with Bacon You Haven’t Tried Yet (But Need To)

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10 Easy Recipes with Bacon You Haven’t Tried Yet (But Need To)

When it comes to cooking, bacon is a universal favorite that never fails to bring a smile to our faces. It’s crispy, savory, and adds an irresistible flavor to just about any dish. If you’re anything like me, you’re always on the lookout for new ways to enjoy this beloved ingredient. That’s why I’ve gathered a collection of easy bacon recipes you probably haven’t tried yet but absolutely should.

These recipes are not just about convenience, although they certainly are easy to make. They’re about discovering fresh and exciting ways to incorporate bacon into your meals, whether you’re cooking for family, hosting friends, or just treating yourself to something special. From breakfast to dinner, and even snacks in between, there’s something here to delight every bacon lover’s palate.

What makes these recipes stand out is their simplicity and creativity. We all have busy lives, so I’ve focused on dishes that are quick to prepare without compromising on flavor. Whether you’re a seasoned cook or just starting in the kitchen, these recipes will help you make the most of your time and ingredients, transforming everyday meals into memorable moments. So, let’s explore some mouthwatering ways to bring more bacon into our lives!

Chicken bacon ranch casserole in baking dish.
Chicken Bacon Ranch Casserole. Photo credit: Little Bit Recipes.

Chicken Bacon Ranch Casserole

This casserole combines chicken, bacon, and ranch for a comforting dish that’s perfect for busy weeknights. Its straightforward preparation and short cooking time make it ideal. The creamy texture and smoky bacon create a satisfying experience. This is one of those bacon recipes you may not have tried yet but will love. It’s an excellent addition to your easy meal rotation.
Get the Recipe: Chicken Bacon Ranch Casserole

Bacon Wrapped Onion Rings

Onion rings wrapped in bacon bring a savory twist to a classic snack. Quick to prepare and even quicker to eat, these are perfect for game day or a casual get-together. Their unique combination makes them stand out in any spread. This is a fresh take on using bacon that’s sure to impress. Definitely worth adding to your list of must-try bacon recipes.
Get the Recipe: Bacon Wrapped Onion Rings

Southern Fried Cabbage with Bacon

This dish offers a flavorful blend of cabbage and crispy bacon for a hearty side. It’s simple to prepare, making it a great option for weeknight dinners. The bacon adds a rich depth to the tender cabbage. It’s a new and exciting way to enjoy bacon in a vegetable dish. Perfect for those looking for easy and tasty bacon recipes.
Get the Recipe: Southern Fried Cabbage with Bacon

A bowl of bacon-wrapped cocktail sausages served on a bed of fresh green herbs.
Bacon Wrapped Little Smokies. Photo credit: Little Bit Recipes.

Bacon Wrapped Little Smokies

These bacon-wrapped smokies are the ultimate appetizer for any gathering. With minimal prep and a short cooking time, they are incredibly convenient. The smoky, savory bacon enhances the flavor of the little sausages. This recipe is a fantastic way to enjoy bacon in a bite-sized treat. A must-try for your next party.
Get the Recipe: Bacon Wrapped Little Smokies

Bacon-Wrapped Pineapple in Air Fryer

Combining sweet pineapple with savory bacon, this air fryer recipe is a quick and easy treat. The air fryer ensures a crisp texture without much effort. The contrasting flavors make it a standout snack or appetizer. It’s a fresh idea for bacon lovers looking to try something new. Great for those who appreciate easy and innovative recipes.
Get the Recipe: Bacon-Wrapped Pineapple in Air Fryer

Sheet Pan Eggs with Bacon

This sheet pan dish brings together eggs and bacon for a convenient breakfast option. Preparing everything on one pan saves time and makes cleanup easy. It’s perfect for feeding a crowd or meal prepping for the week. A fantastic way to enjoy bacon with minimal fuss. Ideal for those seeking new, easy breakfast ideas.
Get the Recipe: Sheet Pan Eggs with Bacon

Three pieces of bacon-wrapped salmon bites garnished with parsley on a white plate.
Bacon Wrapped Salmon Bites. Photo credit: Little Bit Recipes.

Bacon Wrapped Salmon Bites

These salmon bites wrapped in bacon are an elegant yet easy appetizer. They offer a unique combination of flavors that’s sure to impress guests. Quick to prepare and cook, they’re perfect for any occasion. A great way to enjoy bacon in a seafood dish. Try this recipe for a refreshing take on bacon.
Get the Recipe: Bacon Wrapped Salmon Bites

Chicken Corn Chowder

This hearty chowder features chicken, corn, and bacon for a comforting meal. It’s easy to prepare, making it a perfect choice for weeknight dinners. The bacon adds a rich flavor to the creamy chowder. A wonderful recipe to add to your list of bacon dishes you haven’t tried yet. Perfect for those chilly evenings.
Get the Recipe: Chicken Corn Chowder

Bacon Wrapped Air Fryer Cabbage

Cabbage wrapped in bacon and cooked in the air fryer makes for a simple yet flavorful dish. It’s quick to prepare, with the air fryer providing a perfect crispy texture. The bacon adds a savory touch to the tender cabbage. A unique way to enjoy bacon with your vegetables. Great for easy and delicious meals.
Get the Recipe: Bacon Wrapped Air Fryer Cabbage

Broccoli salad with bacon bits on a white oval plate, accompanied by a wooden serving spoon on a linen napkin.
Broccoli Salad with Bacon. Photo credit: Little Bit Recipes.

Broccoli Salad with Bacon

This broccoli salad, enhanced with crispy bacon, is a refreshing side dish. It’s easy to make and perfect for potlucks or as a weekday side. The bacon adds a rich, savory element to the crunchy broccoli. A new and exciting way to enjoy bacon in a salad. Perfect for those looking to try something different with bacon.
Get the Recipe: Broccoli Salad with Bacon

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