15 Fast Dinners for When Patience Isn’t on the Menu

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15 Fast Dinners for When Patience Isn’t on the Menu

Fast dinners are the holy grail for those nights when patience is about as scarce as a unicorn. We’ve all been there: you’re tired, hungry, and the last thing you want to do is spend hours in the kitchen. These recipes are great for when you need to get food on the table, like, yesterday. No frills, no fuss — just straightforward meals that get the job done.

A fresh caesar salad with chicken, croutons, tomatoes, and dressing, served in a large white bowl with a fork.
Chicken Caesar Pasta Salad. Photo credit: Real Balanced.

Spinach Chicken Bake

A serving spoon serving of creamy spinach chicken bake.
Spinach Chicken Bake. Photo credit: Real Balanced.

Dive into our Spinach Chicken Bake when you’re looking for a quick dinner that doesn’t drop the ball on flavor. This dish is a breeze to prepare, combining juicy chicken thighs, fresh spinach, and loads of gooey mozzarella — all ready in just 30 minutes. It’s the superhero of weeknight dinners, rescuing you from the urge to order takeout again. Perfect for getting those greens in without a groan, and trust me, it’s a crowd-pleaser; even the kids won’t complain about eating their veggies tonight.
Get the Recipe: Spinach Chicken Bake

Shake and Bake Pork Chops

Two shake and bake pork chops on a plate.
Shake and Bake Pork Chops. Photo credit: Real Balanced.

Shake and Bake Pork Chops are your golden ticket on a busy night. Ready in just 25 minutes, they give you that crispy, delicious crunch without the oil splatter drama of frying. Coating the pork chops in a layer of mayonnaise enhances their juiciness and helps the seasoned breadcrumb mix adhere better. This recipe is the lazy person’s guide to gourmet. This simple, straightforward recipe frees up your evening so that you can focus on more important things — like finally finishing that series you’ve been hooked on. Plus, everyone will think you tried a lot harder than you did.
Get the Recipe: Shake and Bake Pork Chops

Loaded Broccoli Cauliflower Casserole

Loaded broccoli cauliflower casserole in a baking dish garnished with green onions.
Loaded Broccoli Cauliflower Casserole. Photo credit: Real Balanced.

This Loaded Broccoli Cauliflower Casserole is about making your life easier. Ready in 30 minutes, it throws broccoli, cauliflower, and bacon together in a creamy sauce, all topped with green onions. It’s the perfect dish for those nights when chopping and prepping is the last thing on your mind. Just throw it in the oven and let it do its thing. It’s a great way to sneak in some veggies while keeping all the bacon lovers in your house happy. Less time cooking, more time enjoying — whatever it is you’d rather be doing.
Get the Recipe: Loaded Broccoli Cauliflower Casserole

Tuscan Garlic Shrimp and Spinach

Tuscan garlic shrimp and spinach with tomatoes in a pan.
Tuscan Garlic Shrimp and Spinach. Photo credit: Real Balanced.

When you need a quick dinner that doesn’t scream, “I forgot about dinner,” Tuscan Garlic Shrimp and Spinach is your new best friend. In just 30 minutes, shrimp, fresh spinach, and grape tomatoes come together in a garlicky sauce that makes it seem like you know your way around Tuscany. It’s fast, it’s light, and it lets you play chef without actually being one. Perfect for impressing a date or just treating yourself without too much hassle. Because sometimes, you want to eat well and relax.
Get the Recipe: Tuscan Garlic Shrimp and Spinach

Cabbage and Sausage

A plate of food with a fork.
Cabbage and Sausage. Photo credit: Real Balanced.

Cabbage and Sausage is the meal you turn to when you need something hearty but quick. Ready in less than 30 minutes, it mixes sausage, cabbage, and onions for a straightforward, filling dinner. It’s the kind of meal you make when you want to look like you can cook without actually doing much. It’s quick to make, easy to clean up, and won’t break the bank. So, you can feed yourself or the whole family and still have time to kick back and relax after a long day.
Get the Recipe: Cabbage and Sausage

Chicken with Creamy Mushroom Sauce

Chicken with creamy mushroom sauce in a pan.
Chicken with Creamy Mushroom Sauce. Photo credit: Real Balanced.

Here’s how to whip up something great in just 30 minutes: Chicken with Creamy Mushroom Sauce. This dish is a lifesaver on busy weeknights. It features tender chicken thighs smothered in a rich, creamy mushroom sauce, jazzed up with sun-dried tomatoes for an extra kick. Simple to make and even easier to clean up, it’s perfect when you’re short on time but still want a meal that seems like you put in the effort. Serve it with cauliflower rice or your favorite steamed veggies, and watch it disappear. Trust me, it’s the lazy way to host a dinner that looks anything but.
Get the Recipe: Chicken with Creamy Mushroom Sauce

Reuben Bowls

A bowl of coleslaw with creamy dressing, garnished with green onions, served in a ceramic bowl with a fork.
Reuben Bowls. Photo credit: Real Balanced.

Thirty minutes are all you need to throw together these Reuben Bowls. Think of it as a deconstructed sandwich, where you’ve got browned deli corned beef mixed with crunchy coleslaw or shredded cabbage, all topped with melty Swiss cheese and a generous drizzle of Thousand Island dressing. It’s the perfect quick fix for a filling meal, combining all the classic flavors without the effort of making a sandwich. Perfect for those days when even sandwich-making seems like too much work, but you still crave something hearty. Let’s keep dinner easy but interesting, shall we?
Get the Recipe: Reuben Bowls

Chicken Caesar Pasta Salad

A bowl of salad with noodles, tomatoes, shredded chicken, romaine lettuce, and grated parmesan cheese.
Chicken Caesar Pasta Salad. Photo credit: Real Balanced.

If you want to dodge the kitchen as much as possible, this Chicken Caesar Pasta Salad is your sidekick. Whip it up in 25 minutes with some pasta, pre-cooked chicken, croutons, juicy tomatoes, and creamy Caesar dressing. It’s a quick and easy meal that’s great for those days when the couch calls your name louder than the kitchen. And let’s be honest, it’s nice to eat something that doesn’t involve three pots and a mess. This salad has got your back for a quick, easy, and filling meal.
Get the Recipe: Chicken Caesar Pasta Salad

Creamy Ground Beef and Cauliflower Rice Skillet

Creamy ground beef skillet with cauliflower rice with a wooden spoon.
Creamy Ground Beef and Cauliflower Rice Skillet. Photo credit: Real Balanced.

The Creamy Ground Beef and Cauliflower Rice Skillet is your go-to if you’re craving comfort but not the long cooking time. Ready in a snap (30 minutes, to be exact), it mixes ground beef, cauliflower rice, creamy cheese, and mushrooms right in one skillet. Great for when you need something filling but are too tired to deal with a mountain of dishes afterward. This dish is a weeknight warrior, perfect for meal prepping or pulling something together fast that tastes like you spent all day on it. Because who has time for that?
Get the Recipe: Creamy Ground Beef and Cauliflower Rice Skillet

Cheesy Beef Casserole with Cauliflower Rice and Spinach

Cheesy beef casserole with cauliflower rice and spinach being spooned out of a baking dish.
Cheesy Beef Casserole with Cauliflower Rice and Spinach. Photo credit: Real Balanced.

Nothing says ‘quick comfort food’ quite like our Cheesy Beef Casserole with Cauliflower Rice and Spinach, ready in 30 minutes. This dish combines seasoned beef, cauliflower rice, spinach, and a healthy dose of creamy cheddar, spiced with Italian seasonings, red pepper flakes, and garlic. It’s the kind of meal you turn to when the thought of cooking is daunting, but the hunger is real. With minimal prep and cleanup, this casserole quickly brings everyone to the table, perfect for those chaotic nights.
Get the Recipe: Cheesy Beef Casserole with Cauliflower Rice and Spinach

Sun Dried Tomato Chicken

A skillet of creamy sun dried tomato chicken with a wooden spoon.
Sun Dried Tomato Chicken. Photo credit: Real Balanced.

Sun Dried Tomato Chicken is the dish you turn to when you’d rather spend the evening relaxing than cooking. It’s a straightforward, one-pan meal that throws together tender chicken thighs, a creamy sun-dried tomato sauce, and a sprinkle of Parmesan. Done in just 30 minutes, it’s perfect for those evenings when cooking feels like a chore. Honestly, it’s so easy to make, you can practically cook it in your sleep. This dish saves you time and cuts down on your dishwashing — because who wants to end the day tackling a mountain of pots and pans?
Get the Recipe: Sun Dried Tomato Chicken

Creamy Dijon Chicken

Creamy chicken dish garnished with bacon and herbs in a skillet with a spatula.
Creamy Dijon Chicken. Photo credit: Real Balanced.

Creamy Dijon Chicken makes your dinner decision easy, especially when you’re too tired to even think about what to cook. This recipe combines juicy chicken thighs, fresh spinach, and crispy bacon, all smothered in a creamy Dijon and cheese sauce. Ready in 30 minutes and using just one pan, it’s the hero for anyone needing a quick and hearty meal. Plus, it’s a smooth way to sneak some greens into your diet without anyone being the wiser. It is great for keeping dinner simple and letting you kick back sooner.
Get the Recipe: Creamy Dijon Chicken

Creamy Garlic Chicken

A white skillet of creamy garlic chicken garnished with herbs.
Creamy Garlic Chicken. Photo credit: Real Balanced.

Creamy Garlic Chicken is the go-to meal for those hectic weeknights when time isn’t on your side. This dish pairs boneless chicken breasts with a rich garlic Parmesan sauce, all ready in about 30 minutes. It’s quick, hearty, and a crowd-pleaser. The best part? The leftovers are just as good, if not better, giving you a break from cooking the next day. Think of it as the meal that keeps on giving; you get to spend less time in the kitchen and more time doing anything else.
Get the Recipe: Creamy Garlic Chicken

Italian Sausage Soup

Creamy Italian sausage soup in a pot with a spoon and garnishes on the side.
Italian Sausage Soup. Photo credit: Real Balanced.

Italian Sausage Soup is your quick fix for a comforting meal that feels like a hug after a long day. It’s loaded with Italian sausage, cream cheese, diced and pureed tomatoes, and Parmesan, all seasoned with Italian spices. It only takes 30 minutes to make, and it’s something that can simmer while you decompress. It’s perfect for those evenings when you wish dinner would make itself. Plus, it’s great for warming up and winding down without fussing over the stove for hours.
Get the Recipe: Italian Sausage Soup

Creamy Skinless Chicken Thighs with Artichoke Hearts

Creamy chicken thighs with artichoke hearts in a pan.
Creamy Skinless Chicken Thighs with Artichoke Hearts. Photo credit: Real Balanced.

Creamy Skinless Chicken Thighs with Artichoke Hearts is a foolproof dinner option that won’t keep you in the kitchen all night. This one-pan wonder combines succulent chicken thighs with artichoke hearts, all drenched in a lemony cream sauce. Ready in just 30 minutes, it’s fast, flavorful, and pretty much the opposite of a time-consuming meal. Perfect for those nights when you want a good meal but don’t want to put in too much effort. Because let’s face it, sometimes the couch calls louder than the kitchen.
Get the Recipe: Creamy Skinless Chicken Thighs with Artichoke Hearts

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