Get Your Naan Ready: 15 Indian Sides Your Family Will Devour

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Get Your Naan Ready: 15 Indian Sides Your Family Will Devour

Get your naan ready to experience 15 Indian sides your family will devour with enthusiasm. Each dish is thoughtfully crafted to bring something special and distinct to the table, enhancing the overall meal. These sides are perfect for any occasion, offering a wonderful way to enjoy a meal together while exploring new tastes. Your family will love diving into these new additions to their dinner repertoire, creating lasting mealtime memories.

A close-up of a bowl filled with corn salad, featuring yellow corn kernels mixed with diced red bell peppers, onions, and herbs.
Corn Chaat. Photo credit: Easy Indian Cookbook.

Pumpkin Sourdough Bread

Close-up of a round, crusty loaf of bread with a decorative top and dusting of flour. The bread has deep, golden-brown ridges and a visible twine around its center.
Pumpkin Sourdough Bread. Photo credit: Easy Indian Cookbook.

If freshly baked bread is what you’re after, you’ll enjoy breaking into a loaf infused with a seasonal twist. Ideal as a side or as a base for a flavorful sandwich, Pumpkin Sourdough Bread is both wholesome and hearty. It pairs wonderfully with a warm cup of tea or as an accompaniment to a hearty stew. Bring it to the table, and watch it be the first to go.
Get the Recipe: Pumpkin Sourdough Bread

Kurkuri Bhindi

A plate of crispy, golden-fried okra seasoned with spices and garnished with a few cilantro leaves.
Kurkuri Bhindi. Photo credit: Easy Indian Cookbook.

Crunchy, snackable bites are always a hit, and Kurkuri Bhindi doesn’t disappoint with its crispy texture. It amps up any meal with its unique mouthfeel and can be enjoyed on its own or alongside other dishes. Its popularity lies in being a conversation starter as much as a side dish. Share it with friends, and it might just overshadow the main course.
Get the Recipe: Kurkuri Bhindi

Ragi Ambali

Two glasses of ragi ambali placed on a brown mat.
Ragi Ambali. Photo credit: Easy Indian Cookbook.

Looking for a nutritious addition to your meals? Ragi Ambali offers a refreshing change with its cooling effect on a hot day or after a spicy meal. It’s packed with wholesome benefits, promoting a feeling of well-being. As a bonus, it’s simple to include as part of your regular diet.
Get the Recipe: Ragi Ambali

Pan-Fried Chayote Squash

Close-up of a bowl filled with diced potatoes cooked with turmeric, garnished with chopped cilantro.
Pan-Fried Chayote Squash. Photo credit: Easy Indian Cookbook.

Bring a light but satisfying touch to the dinner table with Pan-Fried Chayote Squash. Its quick preparation means that a nutritious component can be added to your meal without much fuss. Enjoyed for its mild flavor and pleasant texture, it complements a multitude of dishes. It’s a subtle addition that is welcomed by both children and adults alike.
Get the Recipe: Pan-Fried Chayote Squash

Vegetable Raita

Vegetable Raita. Photo credit: Easy Indian Cookbook.

When your meal calls for a cooling counterpart, this Vegetable Raita serves as the perfect balance to any spicy fare. It’s appreciated for its refreshing taste and the way it can bring balance to a plate filled with bold flavors. It’s as common in households as it is essential on a dining spread. Rich in probiotics, it’s not only delicious but also good for digestion.
Get the Recipe: Vegetable Raita

Spiced Smashed Potatoes

Smashed potatoes on a black plate.
Spiced Smashed Potatoes. Photo credit: Easy Indian Cookbook.

Everyone loves a good potato dish, and Spiced Smashed Potatoes is no exception with its inviting aromatic appeal. Serve it as a side, and watch as it becomes the star of your family dinner. It is enjoyed not only for its flavor but also for its comforting texture. Ideal for those evenings when you want something both homey and full of warmth.
Get the Recipe: Spiced Smashed Potatoes

Cabbage Salad

Cabbage salad in a white bowl with chips in the background.
Cabbage Salad. Photo credit: Easy Indian Cookbook.

Cabbage Salad proves that simplicity can be incredibly rewarding. It offers a crunchy and fresh element that pairs well with both mild and robust dishes. As a bonus, it’s an excellent way to include more greens in your diet. Bring it to your next potluck, and it might just outshine the traditional coleslaw.
Get the Recipe: Cabbage Salad

Chilli Paneer

Bowl of Chilli Paneer with red bell peppers and onions in a glossy sauce.
Chilli Paneer. Photo credit: Easy Indian Cookbook.

For those who enjoy a hint of heat, Chilli Paneer adds an exciting kick to the table. It’s commonly enjoyed with fried rice or noodles, but it can stand alone as a tasty appetizer. Its bold flavors are welcomed by those looking to spice up their meal. You’d be hard-pressed to find someone who can resist just one more piece.
Get the Recipe: Chilli Paneer

Sona Masoori Rice

Cooked sona masoori rice on a blue plate.
Sona Masoori Rice. Photo credit: Easy Indian Cookbook.

A staple that’s found in many households for good reason — it’s versatile and pairs well with an array of curries and sauces. Sona Masoori Rice acts as a blank canvas, soaking up flavors and enhancing the main dish. For many, a meal feels incomplete without its presence. It’s light on the stomach yet fulfilling.
Get the Recipe: Sona Masoori Rice

Curried Roasted Carrots

Curried Roasted Carrots with seasoning, lined up neatly on a white surface.
Curried Roasted Carrots. Photo credit: Easy Indian Cookbook.

For a dish that adds both color and a touch of elegance to your meals, look no further. Curried Roasted Carrots is as beautiful on the plate as it is pleasing to eat. With a touch of spice, it brings a hint of sophistication to an everyday vegetable. This side dish manages to be both comforting and a little bit special.
Get the Recipe: Curried Roasted Carrots

Black Chickpea Sundal/Kadlekalu Usli

A bowl of Kadlekalu Usli salad garnished with coconut and cilantro, served on a green tablecloth.
Black Chickpea Sundal/Kadlekalu Usli. Photo credit: Easy Indian Cookbook.

Healthy, protein-rich, and undoubtedly flavorful, Black Chickpea Sundal/Kadlekalu Usli is a brilliant way to start your feast. It’s commonly enjoyed as a snack but holds its own as a side dish, too. Not only is it satisfying to eat, but it also adds nutritional value to your diet. It’s a popular choice during festive seasons and a staple for good reason.
Get the Recipe: Black Chickpea Sundal/Kadlekalu Usli

Indian Sweet Potato Cubes

Sweet potato cubes on a plate.
Indian Sweet Potato Cubes. Photo credit: Easy Indian Cookbook.

Take advantage of the sweet potato’s natural sweetness with a side that’s as nutritious as it is enjoyable. Indian Sweet Potato Cubes complement a variety of dishes, from grilled meats to vegetarian platters. They’re not only a hit with kids but also with adults who appreciate a healthier option. They usually vanish as quickly as they are served.
Get the Recipe: Indian Sweet Potato Cubes

Bottle Gourd Leaves Stir Fry

A plate of cooked Bottle Gourd Leaves Stir Fry, served in a terracotta dish.
Bottle Gourd Leaves Stir Fry. Photo credit: Easy Indian Cookbook.

Introduce a unique set of flavors to your dinner with a side that’s not as common but just as delicious. Loaded with nutrients, Bottle Gourd Leaves Stir Fry is a secret weapon for the health-conscious. It brings a fresh perspective to greens and offers a welcome variation from the usual salad leaves. Pair it with your favorite grain, and enjoy a meal that feels balanced and complete.
Get the Recipe: Bottle Gourd Leaves Stir Fry

Corn Chaat

A close-up of a bowl filled with corn salad, featuring yellow corn kernels mixed with diced red bell peppers, onions, and herbs.
Corn Chaat. Photo credit: Easy Indian Cookbook.

A dish that serves up excitement with every bite, perfect for those who enjoy a mix of textures and tastes. Often enjoyed as a street food, it can make a casual evening with family feel like an event. Corn Chaat is a cheerful addition to any gathering and is often met with a combination of surprise and relief that something so simple can be so good. Fun to eat, it usually becomes a topic of conversation.
Get the Recipe: Corn Chaat

Ladi Pav

Close-up of freshly baked Ladi Pav on a wire rack, some split open to reveal a soft, fluffy interior.
Ladi Pav. Photo credit: Easy Indian Cookbook.

If you have a soft spot for fluffy bread, Ladi Pav will likely become a regular request at your table. They are perfect for mopping up gravy or just to be enjoyed slathered with butter. They have a way of making any meal feel more substantial and cozy. The joy at pulling apart a fresh bun is matched only by the taste.
Get the Recipe: Ladi Pav

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